Introducing Keziah Singleton

Workplace problems and legal processes can feel overwhelming, but I can help make the most difficult of situations manageable. I cut to the heart of the issues and find workable solutions for both employers and employees.

Many claims against employers could have been avoided if the right process had been followed. I have particular expertise in helping small and medium sized employers navigate the often confusing world of restructuring consultations, disciplinary investigations and performance improvement processes in a way that minimises risk and ongoing cost. If a problem has already arisen, I offer pragmatic advice and guidance to resolve the situation quickly and at the lowest overall cost.

I have particular experience working with charities and other not for profit organisations, and understand the challenges they face.

As well as providing legal advice and representation, I undertake independent workplace investigations.

I help employees deal with unfair treatment in the workplace, whether formally through personal grievance claims or with a more low-key approach. I routinely deal with unjustified dismissal cases, claims for unpaid wages and other entitlements, and issues involving migrant workers. I also help with responding to restructuring proposals, performance concerns, or disciplinary allegations.

I am a registered Legal Aid provider for employment matters.